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GridPrintExportOptions Interface

The options to apply on the Print export.



import { GridPrintExportOptions } from '@mui/x-data-grid-premium';
// or
import { GridPrintExportOptions } from '@mui/x-data-grid-pro';
// or
import { GridPrintExportOptions } from '@mui/x-data-grid';


Name Type Default Description
allColumns? boolean false If true, the hidden columns will also be exported.
bodyClassName? string One or more classes passed to the print window.
copyStyles? boolean true If false, all <style> and <link type="stylesheet" /> tags from the <head> will not be copied
to the print window.
fields? string[] The columns exported.
This should only be used if you want to restrict the columns exports.
fileName? string The title of the page. The value to be used as the print window title.
hideFooter? boolean false If true, the footer is removed for when printing.
hideToolbar? boolean false If true, the toolbar is removed for when printing.
pageStyle? string | Function Provide Print specific styles to the print window.